byelaw|byelaws in English


ordinance of a municipality or community (also bylaw)

Use "byelaw|byelaws" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "byelaw|byelaws" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "byelaw|byelaws", or refer to the context using the word "byelaw|byelaws" in the English Dictionary.


2. Requirements Made Under Byelaws

3. Byrlaw (obsolete); by-law; bye-law, byelaw; Etymology

4. Jharkhand Building Byelaws 2016

5. Byelaws These Byelaws apply to land owned or leased by the National Park Authority

6. Short title, Extent and commencement.- 1.1 These Byelaws shall be called the Jharkhand Building Byelaws 2016

7. The Byelaws The Loch Lomond Byelaws were introduced in 1996 by the Loch Lomond Regional Park Authority

8. These 2008 Byelaws were in the standard format of the time and conform exactly to the template Model Byelaws – Set 2 under the Byelaws (Alternative Procedure) (England) Regulations 2016

9. Rules, Regulations, and Byelaws: Get the latest information about Rules, Regulations, and Byelaws more! Click here to stay updated and invest wisely! Learn more about Rules, Regulations, and Byelaws Today, visit NSE India.

10. Byelaws: Download: The Hawksbill Creek, Grand Bahama (Deep Water Harbour and Industrial Area) (Amendment of Agreement) Act: Byelaws: Download: City of Freeport, Building Code & Sanitary Code Bye-laws: Byelaws: Download: City of Freeport, Environmental Bye-laws: Byelaws: Download:

11. When freshwater fishing you must follow these Byelaws (rules)

12. The Byelaws which are currently in force

13. In these Byelaws, unless the context otherwise requires:

14. 10 This byelaw encourages citizen alms remains and organ, prohibit remains and, organ.

15. Some local authorities have made byelaws to control some noise sources .

16. Byelaws prohibiting the consumption of alcohol in designated public spaces

17. Application of Byelaws (a) These Byelaws shall have effect within the District; (b) the watercourses referred to in theseela Bwys are watercourses which are for thee tim

18. Bylaw, byelaw, by-law, bye-law n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc

19. * Byrlaw (obsolete) * by-law, bye-law, byelaw Noun A local custom or law of a settlement or district

20. Byelaws are effectively local laws to deal with local issues

21. Commencement of Byelaws These Byelaws shall ec oinmto operationt haet expiration of onoen tmh beginning with the day on which they are confirmed by the Secretary of State

22. (1) In these Byelaws the following expressions shall have the following meanings:-

23. Byelaws and specific controls to deal with noise from construction sites and loudspeakers .

24. * Byrlaw (obsolete) * by-law, bye-law, byelaw Noun A local custom or law of a settlement or district

25. 1.2 These Byelaws shall apply to all building activities in the area falling in;